December 23, 2009
Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, Time to Move!

December 2, 2009
So much to talk about.... and so little time....
We hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! We have oodles of fantastic news! First up, we have found our space, signed our lease and plan on beginning our big move January 1st. It is the exact location we have been wanting this whole time, in the Gowanus, so we are extremely excited. Please keep in mind that we are still here for the entire month of December! So come on down and help us make our transition into the larger space a smooth one. We will have more information about the move as we get closer to the date, but we will definitely be having a party, with lots of beer, homebrew to be exact, stay tuned.....

November 18, 2009
Through the Looking Glass in 2 Pints or Less. Or... What's Wrong with My Camera?
November 8, 2009
One gallon glass fermenters (great for test batches, or making some hard cider), 3 gallon carboys, 3 gallon Better Bottles, Turkey and more!
We hope everyone is having a good November and getting ready for some Thanksgiving fun! We did want to remind everyone that we will be closed for 4 days the week of Thanksgiving, so don't forget to check the website!
For those of you who love beer can chicken

(and have always dreamed about what it would be like on steroids), or you are looking for the next best thing since the Turducken, then the Turkey Cannon is for you! I think it's going on our christmas list!
Other than the holiday season approaching quickly, we have lots of fun stuff going on in the store. We finally accept credit cards! Yeh! And we have lots of new products. We now have more all-grain friendly equipment, such as stainless steel ball-valves (spigots) so you can convert a 5 gallon or 10 gallon Rubbermaid water cooler into a Mash/Lauter Tun. When combined with a bazooka screen, you'll be all-grain brewing in no time.
Also, we now have environmentally friendly, LEAD-FREE Hydrometers and LEAD & MERCURY-FREE Thermometers. So if you break one by mistake, you won't have poisonous metals in your wort, or be adding more toxins to the local water supply & landfill.
Replacement gaskets, and "poppet" valves for Cornelius Kegs are now available.
Other new products include a Pure Oxygen System so you can be sure that your yeast is getting plenty of oxygen. It includes all the necessary tubing, plus a regulator, sanitary air filter, and a .5 micron stainless steel aeration stone. Just connect a small disposable pure oxygen tank that's available at Lowe's, and oxygenate your wort for 1-2 minutes.
We have the Fermtech Wine thief/Hydrometer test jar combo. You can put your hydrometer right inside the thief, insert it into your fermenter for a sample, take the gravity reading, then safely (assuming you have properly sanitized your gear) return the sample back into your fermenter.
There are many other new products, too numerous to mention them all here. New grain malts too including some Belgian Special B and Aromatic malt! And an ever-expanding list of hops. Check our web catalog for the low down.
We can't say it enough, THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT! We know that we aren't the most convenient location for many of you, but without you we wouldn't be able to exist. We appreciate your patience while we grow. We just need all of you to keep making the trek down to Sunset Park for about 8 more weeks. Then we will make the big move to a better space that is sure to be more accessible to most of you. AND will allow us to better serve you, and offer a much wider variety of grains and equipment.
Email us photos of your homebrewing set-ups, finished beers, or still fermenting brews! We want to post some of them on our blog.
Just a 4 minute walk from the 59th St N R station, or the 53rd St R station!
Only 30 minutes or less from Union Square by way of the N express!
October 23, 2009
Halloween, Beer, Rock and Roll.

Sorry there has been such a HUGE lag in between posts. We have been really busy. Thanks to all of you guys it looks like moving into a bigger space is going to happen sooner then later. So keep your eyes open for January!

September 29, 2009
The Mortadella of Hot Dogs!

September 18, 2009
Organic Hops, CO2, Test your Beer Knowledge.
September 11, 2009
Happy Beer Week!

September 4, 2009
Competition time!

August 30, 2009
Fresh Brooklyn Grown Hops
August 19, 2009
Craft Beer Week!

Hey Everyone! Our Homebrew class is completed, and it's time to move on to the next big thing. Beginning September 11, is the 2nd Annual NY Craft Beer Week. We insist that everyone go to at least one event. Better yet buy one of the Passports, and get beer deals on tons of bars and lots of the festivities. You can drink yourself silly for the whole week! We can't wait for the Scary-Dive Bar Crawl or the Bike Brooklyn Beer Blitz. We hope to see some of you guys there.

August 5, 2009
It's Better To Drink Beer After Exercise Than Water

"Researchers at Granada University in Spain have come across a discovery that will undoubtedly please athletes and sports enthusiasts - a pint of beer post-workout or match is better at rehydrating the human body than water.
Professor Manuel Garzon, a member of Granada's medical faculty, made the finding after tests on 25 students over several months. Researchers believe that it is the sugars, salts, and bubbles in a beer that may help people absorb fluids more quickly.
The subjects in the study were asked to run on a treadmill at temperatures of 104F (40C) until they were close to exhaustion. Once they had reached the point of giving up, researchers measured their hydration levels, motor skills, and concentration ability.
Half of the subjects were given two half pints of Spanish lager to drink, and the other half were given just water.
Garzon said that the rehydration effection in those who were given beer was "slightly better" than those who were given only water. He also believes that the carbon dioxide in beer helps quench thirst more quickly, and that beer's carbohydrates replace calories lost during physical exertion.
The average person loses around 1 liter (33oz) of water for every hour of exercise in sweat. Rehydrating after a workout is crucial, as a lack of hydration is more likely to make one feel tired, fuzzyheaded, and suffer from headaches.
Based on the results of the study, researchers recommend moderate consumption of beer as a part of athletes' diets. "Moderate consumption" for men is 500ml per day, and for women is 250ml per day.
So that explains why Babe Ruth was so good. His method of training was nearly 100 years ahead of its time."- article from The Cleveland Leader
If that doesn't make you tingle inside, we don't know what could....
Onto a different subject. Our first Homebrew class went incredibly smooth. We can't wait to taste the beer for the bottling class. We also wanted to thank everyone who participated, and we hope to inspire all of you to make a batch of beer at home.
We also have updated our product list. We will have a whole mess of new yeast strains, our debut of hop plugs, a few pieces of equipment, and some new grains coming next week. And we need to thank everyone who has been stopping by for products! Thank you for being so patient with us. We hope to be apart of the brew community for years to come.
July 31, 2009
Hasta Luego Good Beer Month!
Bottoms Up! Edible's Good Beer at BAM Brew Event from SkeeterNYC on Vimeo.
For those of you who were interested in our class on Monday August 3rd at Beer Table, tickets are still on sale, so buy them up! We will also be updating our website sometime next week with more new products, so keep in touch. Thanks everyone!
July 27, 2009
Classes and Stuff

July 20, 2009
Website Launch

July 16, 2009
Yeast is here!

Minimum of 100 billion cells, READY TO PITCH; plus an internal nutrient packet.
Designed to inoculate 5 gallons of wort (up to 1.065 SG) providing
the pitching rate recommended by professional brewers. Click on each strain
for a full description.
Wyeast Nutrient for Beer and Wine, 1.5 oz tubes
For rapid and complete fermentation. Contains vitamins,
minerals, inorganic nitrogen (DAP), organic nitrogen (amino acids),
zinc, phosphates, and other trace elements.
$2.00 each