July 16, 2009

Yeast is here!

Hey Everyone! We wanted to let everyone know that our first yeast delivery is here!
So it's time to start cashing in those certificates. Let us know what you would like. We
can bring them to the NYCHG meeting on Tuesday July 21st, you can come and pick
them up, or we can set them aside for when you might like to place an ingredient order.
We will be getting the remainder of our ingredients on Monday July 20th. We will have
grains, hops, malt extract, sugars, sanitizer and lots of equipment. We will likely be
placing an inventory list on Monday night, but if there is anything you are hoping we will
have, let us know and we will set it aside if we have it available. We will currently only
be accepting Certificates and Cash. We will also be offering a prize for the raffle at the
NYCHG meeting this Tuesday. So come on down and participate!
And lastly we wanted to thank Jason of Sustainabrew, for writing a very nice entry about
Brooklyn Homebrew and it's mission to reduce any negative impact we have on the environment. Thanks
for everything everyone!

Wyeast ACTIVATORTM For Beer, 125 ml

Minimum of 100 billion cells, READY TO PITCH; plus an internal nutrient packet.

Designed to inoculate 5 gallons of wort (up to 1.065 SG) providing

the pitching rate recommended by professional brewers. Click on each strain

for a full description.

1007 German Ale

1010 American Wheat

1056 American Ale

1098 British Ale

1099 Whitbread Ale

1272 All-American Ale

1275 Thames Valley Ale

1332 Northwest Ale

1728 Scottish Ale

1968 London ESB Ale

2035 American Lager

2112 California Lager

2308 Munich Lager

1214 Belgian Ale

1762 Belgian Abbey Ale II

3522 Belgian Ardennes

3724 Belgian Saison

3942 Belgian Wheat

3944 Belgian Witbier

3056 Bavarian Wheat Blend

3068 Weihenstephan Weizen

3333 German Wheat

3638 Bavarian Wheat

Wyeast Nutrient for Beer and Wine, 1.5 oz tubes

For rapid and complete fermentation. Contains vitamins,

minerals, inorganic nitrogen (DAP), organic nitrogen (amino acids),

zinc, phosphates, and other trace elements.

$2.00 each

1 comment:

Leon said...

Sounds like an excellent offer, wish I was a bit closer to you!