We wanted to thank everyone from the NYC Homebrewers Guild meeting on Tuesday. It was very educational and we got to meet some fun people. Here is the survey we were talking about.
1. Do you use pellet, whole, or hop extract?
2. Do you brew all-grain, from malt extract, or from both?
3. Do you use beer flavoring additives such as flavored syrups and extracts?
4. What is the batch size that you normally brew? 5 gal, 10 gal, etc.
5. Do you prefer dry, pitchable vials, or liquid smack-pack yeast?
6. Do you ever use make a yeast starter culture before pitching?
7. What neighborhood do you currently live in?
8. What piece of brewing equipment are you currently dreaming of having?
9. If you brew with spices, which spices do you like to use the most?
10. Are you excited about a local homebrew supply shop?
11. Do you buy grain malts or extracts in bulk or by the pound?
12. How many times a year do you brew?
So please copy, paste, and email it back to us.
Hey Guys, I shared this blog with a popular facebook page called SimplyBeer. (http://www.facebook.com/home.php#/pages/Simply-Beer/63544597664?ref=mf)
I am extremely excited about a homebrew supply store coming to the city!
Does anybody have any experience with this market research firm?
Do you people have a facebook fan page? I looked for one on twitter but could not discover one, I would really like to become a fan!
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